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Наш опыт расчета личной производительности в R&D Альтернативные подходы к управлению

Доклад отклонён

It's a well-known problem nowadays: how can we measure the performance and productivity of individual contributors, which do non-routine creative work? The best examples are research and development (R&D) teams, which usually consist of software engineers, designers, scientific researchers, architects, quality experts, product managers, and so on. Such professionals deliver results that are hard to get down to simple numbers. Many authors argue that the very idea of measuring individual performance is toxic and may only lead to negative consequences. We tried to challenge this point of view and made an experiment in our team, which demonstrated that individual performance can indeed be measured, even if people's work involves creativity, and results are hard to predict. We designed a system of Calibrated Achievement Points (CAP), which are rewarded to those who deliver visible and tangible results of different kinds. The presentation will explain how CAP works and will summarize the results of our experiment.

Егор Бугаенко

Директор лаборатории в Huawei, основатель компании Zerocracy, разрабатывающей AI-роботов для управления программистами.
